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Friday, March 4, 2011

Back in the saddle again

Name that tune......

It's been awhile. So long that I actually couldn't find the italic button for like 5 minutes.
Found it.

I wish I had words to explain my absence, besides just being too busy. I actually have been extremely busy, but it's been more than that.
I tend to be an all or nothing type of do-er. I hate rushing through things and feeling like I'm trying to cram it all in. The blog part of my life felt like that for the last 5 months or so. I'd still open it up and peak into most of your lives blogs but rarely comment.
But I'm realizing that my all or nothing personality hinders me. It doesn't have to be that way.

I haven't talked to my sister in months. 
I've been busy and I want to give her my time and energy and a clear head and right now I don't have any of that. But maybe all she's needed is an I love you.

I haven't written here because I can't seem to have one inspirational thought that makes any sort of sense and I really don't want to talk about my life as I feel so confused about where I'm at right now. But maybe all I needed to write was a scripture for the day, tell you all to have a great day, or write down that small funny thing one of my daughters did.

I don't have to give my all, only what I have.

gonna go write my sister now. And maybe leave a comment or two.


Karen Hossink said...

O Mom, I'm so glad you left a comment. It's great to hear from you!
And I trust your sister will be blessed by that letter. Or card. Or email. Just hearing from you will be great.

May I pray for you?
Father in heaven, all praise be to Your name! You are holy. You are good. You are all we have and all we need. And we are so thankful to be Your children!
Father, I thank You that You know everything going on in O Mom's life today. The things which are confusing to her are NOT CONFUSING to You. Thank You, God, that You know everything that needs to happen in her life, and thank You that You are able to bring it all about. We praise You for Your power, Your wisdom, Your amazing grace!
And, LORD, I am asking You in this moment to fill O Mom with peace. Please cover her with Your love and assure her of Your presence. Please give her hope as she trusts You to lead her through her minutes and days, and show her Your glory.
I'm asking it in the wonderful, powerful, beautiful, matchless Name of JESUS. Amen and amen!

Love you!

SandyM said...

Welcome back! We all have times to take a break for awhile, but you have been missed.

And what an incredible prayer from IM! I'm going to turn to her when I need prayer! It was an inspiration & I prayed it for you too.

I sometimes feel like my blog is "frivolous", but hope that it blesses those who read it & just give some encouragement in the everyday things...

And serving the Lord by doing the everyday things that He has called you to do, especially faithfulness to your husband & children, IS radical!

Sandy said...

BTW, thanks for the comments! Pineapple Upside Down cake is super simple: melt some butter/margerine in a skillet, add some brown sugar till it melts (stirring). * Pour into cake pan & lay out pineapple rings, put a marachino cherry in the center of each. Mix a yellow cake mix according to directions & slowly pour over pineapple. Bake according to time on box. When it comes out of the oven, put cake plate over top & flip the whole thing quickly. VOILA!
*If you have an oven-proof skillet, leave the brown sugar mixture in the skillet & put the pineapple in there, then pour the cake mix in.

I made this in 7th grade for 4H & won a prize. Been making it ever since (& that's a LONG time!)